can i help you
Franken tells

'No, you can't help me!'

Sometimes the 'Can I help you?' question does work in, for example, a shoe shop, but, at a trade fair stand, you will benefit from using a stronger opening question. A question that points without subterfuge towards the specific interests of the visitor to whom you are speaking to. A question that shows that the only thing you want to do is to listen to your visitor. Therefore: 'What made you visit this trade fair?', 'What was at the top of your diary this morning?' or 'What stood out during your visit?'

Instead of giving a non-committal yes or no answer, the visitor will provide valuable information about who he or she is, what he or she finds important and what his or her expectations are. And that is exactly what you need to determine what you may possibly mean for each other.

Do you have a question, comment, idea?
Let us know! We are happy to listen to your story.

Almost there!