something for everyone
Franken tells

Something for everyone?

Something for everyone?

Do you know what percentage of trade fair visitors are there to buy? The percentage varies between trade fairs - a box of sugar waffles at a catering fair will change hands more easily than a new production line at an industrial automation fair. But the percentage of buyers is generally overestimated. A trade fair that can boast 30% buyers with a definitive intention to buy, is a strong trade fair.

Why then do all the other visitors attend? Each individual obviously has their own intentions and motives, but generally they can be dealt into three large groups: information, transaction and acknowledgement. All three, with an added entertainment factor.

  • Information: Information is by far the most important incentive for a trade fair visitor. Visitors with a question or a problem go to trade fairs looking for solutions. Depending on the type of problem, that information can be very technical, detailed or more of a general nature.
  • Transaction: Transaction as a motivator doesn’t necessarily mean contracts need to be signed at the stand. It could be a process of deep conversations, leading up to a sales deal or negotiating conditions for future business transactions.
  • Acknowledgement: Visiting a trade fair also has a social function. The visitor wants to get to know a group of professionals, meet colleagues and feel part of something. He or she also wants to acknowledge current business contacts.

Each of these motivators are represented by activities in more or less separate zones within a stand. To work out a transaction requires a discrete yet comfortable area, away from window shoppers. The goal of information is to reach as many people as possible. That’s why this area is best set up around a wide aisle. And acknowledgement?  Well, every trade fair visitor wants a bit of that. As per Belgian tradition, a bar, a beer and a snack are on the agenda.

Wondering how Franken will divide up the zones in your stand? Contact us for a preliminary sketch!

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Let us know! We are happy to listen to your story.

Almost there!